This page is about your Brand & Web designer, Website Copywriter and Social Media Strategist

And now I've got less that 1 second to convince you to keep reading, but I'm gonna risk it by letting you in first on a lil secret about *About* sections of your website and socials.

who is all about results.


If you want your ideal clients to stay and actually read your About section, it's typically better to use a casual tone of voice.

Someone had to say it...

Who wants to read a collection of stuffy surface-level paragraphs or a boring run-down of your resume?

I'll tell you. No one.

Unless you've invented the wheel, your industry has so many competitors that your About section readers look for reasons to stay with YOU over someone else.

So, use your About page to truly let your readers in your world and show them what makes you special and a good match to become your future clients.

So, that being said... let's talk about what makes me human.

Hi, I'm Yvoni!

Now, since I’ve never stuck around long enough to read an ‘About’ page that kicks off with a résumé—because let’s be real, that’s like shaking hands and immediately listing your entire LinkedIn profile—I thought we’d start with something more fun.

I’m a full-on pasta devotee (no plans for rehab, thank you very much), an ambivert who can’t help chatting up strangers but still craves my solo time, and recently discovered I’ve got a serious thing for italics.

I'm also Greek, Gen Y, summer lover, an aspiring L-shaped block of flats resident (so that all my friends can live next to each other), and the friend that sends 12-line text message monologues multiple times in a row without waiting for a reply. 

My Notes app is full of audacious goals (especially towards the end of summer)and half-written content ideas and concepts, and my favourite song is still the soundtrack of Lion King I (because, like I said, Gen Y).

I am the first who cries at my friends' weddings, I love nourishing myself with good stuff (see smoothies, berries and peanut butter), and I'm the type of person that approaches strangers struggling to get the perfect selfie to offer to take the picture for them.

Too much? Maybe. But it’s enough for now, right? Cool—let’s get to the good stuff.

now for the linkedin-esque moment

I'm proudly qualified & experienced.

I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and a Master's in Digital Marketing and somehow managed to work in the Digital Strategy and Advertising of more industries than I can count, creative, tech, travel, wellness, pharma, and entertainment to name a few. The one thing I always enjoyed putting my hands on was (you guessed it!) content and design.

My writing and design experience dates back to basically forever ago, as it looks like I've been passionate about drawing and writing words that create strong emotions since I was a child.

Well, it looks like I love both and can't choose but also can't get enough of them.

However, a talent in writing and drawing means nothing in Marketing, if you can't create a true connection between a brand and its audience and, ultimately, sales.

That's why I got educated by one of the most reputed Universities globally (University College London), qualified by most of the big tech companies that run the marketing world (Google, Facebook) and worked hard  for more than 10 years at the Top 3 Media Agencies globally, before I decided to start my freelance career.

Now I create obsession-worthy designs, copy and social growth for business owners like you!

After 10+ years in Marketing and having contributed more than $2B in corporate revenue through Digital Strategy, Content and Advertising , my firm belief is that design is what catches the eye, content is what keeps your ideal client stay.

This is the only timeless Strategy that works regardless of your industry, the one that your people will appreciate, the one that will get you sustainable sales and this belief is core while I write and design.

Core values here at ygrec studio.




(because i think they do matter.)

all this to say...

I'd love to be your go-to Brand & Web Designer, Copywriter & Social Media Strategist.

Let's get your story out there.

my forever mood board

always ethical and transparent
founding member of the conscious marketing movement

simple lines that make impressive results

healthy habits to keep me nourished for my busy days

ethical luxury (this is actually skincare products!)